Nitro Engine Starters – BlackSmithProducts

Nitro Engine Starters

Nitro Starter Kit and RC Glow Starters


Providing the essential tools for any nitro model (great for beginners)

Designed to work with any Nitro Glow Start Engine



  • 2 tuning screwdrivers (philips and flat head)
  • 1 large Aluminium Hex Wrench for glow plugs
  • 1 small Aluminium hex wrench for everything else
  • Eazy fill fuel bottle (includes cap holder, so you cant lose it)
  • 1 x RC Glow Starter

Also offering a choice of upgradable glow starters from 1800mah to 3000mah

Including Meter (voltage indicator) and AA starters. Brands by Ansmann Racing and HSP Click here


Will the rc glow starter fit my engine? How do I use?


Remove the 1.2v glow plug from your engine using a 8mm socket wrench.

If you can do this then these tools will fit your engine.


To use the rc glow starter pull the lever up and place onto the glow plug (or charger if charging).


Whets the charge time (for BSD rc glow starters and chargers only, other chargers will vary)?

  • 1800mah charge time is 4 hours to 6 hours (6 hours first)
  • 2100mah charge time is 5 hours to 7 hours (7 hours first)
  • 3000mah charge time is 7 hours to 9 hours (9 hours first)

To work out the charge time divide the mah output of the charger by the mah value shown on the starter. This will give an estimated charge time, is always recommended to check with the manufacturer or any enclosed instruction manual for more information.

Glow starter chargers will heat up during use however should not get so hot they can not be touched. For safety reasons never leave a charger alone unsupervised.


Battery Safety

Never leave batteries to charge without supervision as a fault can develop with a charger at any time. Although most chargers do have overheat cut out it is always better to be safe than sorry., pub-2472328583129550, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2472328583129550, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0