HY00147 1.10 RC Toy Body Shell Side Wing Mirrors Indicators 3mm Orange – BlackSmithProducts
HY00147 1.10 RC Toy Body Shell Side Wing Mirrors Indicators 3mm Orange LED

HY00147 1.10 RC Toy Body Shell Side Wing Mirrors Indicators 3mm Orange LED


  • £13.28 GBP
  • Save £1.33 GBP

Note that this is a scaled item for RC 1.10 scale models only and it will not work with real cars. Side Mirrors Featuring Orange LEDs. Solid state. To suit 1.10 scale model cars or truggies or trucks. Instructions included on how to install these onto a body shell. Body shell will require drilling or a body reamer to install. Suitable for PVC or lexan shells. Read the instructions and test the leds before installing. LEDS run off a JSTXH 2 pin connector which works with many LED control boxes. Please check the connector before ordering. Can be rewired using a JST or Futaba or JR or Hitec connector for a 6v direct input. Alternative connectors not included. Please note direct voltage input means the led is solid. It will not flash unless your control box is programmed to do so.

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