BS808-007 1.8 540 550 EP Motor Pinion Gear 12 Teeth Module 1 12T – BlackSmithProducts
BS808-007 1.8 540 550 EP Motor Pinion Gear 12 Teeth Module 1 12T

BS808-007 1.8 540 550 EP Motor Pinion Gear 12 Teeth Module 1 12T


  • £6.20 GBP
  • Save £0.62 GBP

540 550 Motor Pinion Gear 12 Teeth. Includes prefitted M4 grub screw. Center hole diameter is 5mm. Length 15mm. The column without teeth is 8mm in length by 9.5mm in diameter. The toothed part is 14mm in diameter and 7mm wide. Module 1. Suitable to fit 54

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