B7033T 1/8 Scale RC On Road Car / Buggy Rubber Tyres Tire Soft x 4 – BlackSmithProducts
B7033T 1/8 Scale RC On Road Car / Buggy Rubber Tyres Tire Soft x 4

B7033T 1/8 Scale RC On Road Car / Buggy Rubber Tyres Tire Soft x 4


  • £26.42 GBP
  • Save £2.65 GBP

Quality set of soft rubber tyres suitable for on road cars and buggy wheels/rims. Foam inserts not included, these are just replacement tyres. These wheel fit the 1/8 scale buggy rims we have in our online store. To check if they will fit your rims please see the measurements below: Outer diameter 100mm - Inner diameter 80mm (edges of inner tyre) - Wide 42mm - To fit 80 to 90mm diameter wheels. Will require glue to ensure a secure fit.. Images copyrighted by BlackSmith Products Ltd.

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