Body Shells – tagged "Parts Hi Speed (HSP)" – Page 16 – BlackSmithProducts

Body Shells

Body Shell Covers Nitro and Electric


RC Body Shells are designed to replace stock rc body shells on your rc model. We cover scales from 1/16 to 1/5 cars, buggies, truggies, monster trucks and rock crawlers. Also a selection of body shell accessories such as body shell markers which simply sit on top of the body posts, push down to the shell slightly to mark the pilot hole for drilling or cutting. To view please click on one of links on the left navigation list.



Will it fit my model?


We have added all the measurements from these rc body shells onto our websites product description page. To find out if they will fit your model follow these steps:


1) Check the measurements from the rc body shell will cover the chassis plate on your model. The measurements to check are:


Length - measured from end to end (bumper to bumper for example) (C on diagram below)


Width - measured in the center of the chassis (not wheels) (B1 on diagram below)


Height - measured from the bottom of the shell to the height, check the height will clear the engine (if used). Its recommended to cut a hole for the engine to avoid melting. (D on diagram below)


2) If the rc body shell is uncut and not drilled it can be customised to fit however if drilled please ensure the hole measurements match your rc models body posts to ensure it fits. When a shell is described as uncut this will also apply to the engine and fuel tanks bays making it possible to install onto electric models.


Our range:, pub-2472328583129550, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2472328583129550, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0