L709 Module 1 1M 9T 9 Teeth Tooth Motor Pinion Gear Black 1.8 1.10 540 – BlackSmithProducts
L709 Module 1 1M 9T 9 Teeth Tooth Motor Pinion Gear Black 1.8 1.10 540 3.17mm

L709 Module 1 1M 9T 9 Teeth Tooth Motor Pinion Gear Black 1.8 1.10 540 3.17mm


  • £9.32 GBP
  • Save £0.94 GBP

Module 1 9 Tooth Pinion Gear. Works with module 1 spur gears. 3.17mm bore suitable for 540 or 550 motors. Please note while this gear is suitable for both 1.10 and some 1.8 540 motors some 1.8 motors will use a 5mm shaft instead. Please ensure you check b

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